

About Me

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I am 39 years old and have been married 21 years to Brent Oaks. We go to Pleasant Grove Baptist Church. We have 3 children and love spending time with our children and family and friends.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Startin of my blog

I have never blogged before but I hope you can enjoy my days. I work at Chickfil in Huntsville, AL. and my brother is the owner of the store there. It's great! I totally love it.
I am 39 years old...forever I guess:)
I worked today and we are mourning the loss of "the Gap" in our mall. Our customers are very angry at this loss. They are running over to a new outdoor mall, the only thing is, you have to park in a deck then walk about 1/4 mile into this outdoor mall. You can't just drive up and park and shop. You must park then walk into this mini community to shop. It's the fad right now. I hope it is this winter and when it's raining.
It does affect our business but we know that the Lord will bless!
thats it for today,,, maybe.


TheChinaPainter said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! I came here from Karen's blog. I too have a blog. Check it out.

TheChinaPainter said...

It looks like I am the first to post a comment. I am glad to have that honor. Dixie

KarenW said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! It's a great way to keep up. Great pictures of you and the kids!

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