

About Me

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I am 39 years old and have been married 21 years to Brent Oaks. We go to Pleasant Grove Baptist Church. We have 3 children and love spending time with our children and family and friends.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Oh NO!

Well about 12 o'clock midnight, I got the stomach virus, I was very sick before then but it hit me about then and I have been sick all day. Very strong stomach virus, it has hit hard. About 4 a.m. Grace gets up doing the same. So I could barely help her for being sick myself. That is really bad. We both have been home all day. Right now we are eating popsicles and feel like we have been beat with a BIG bat! We are sore all over.
Man, this stuff is horrible. JD brought this prize home to us from school on friday. He had this. I just pray that Lilly doesn't get it.
Say a little prayer for us!

1 comment:

KarenW said...

Oh no is right! I'll be praying for you all. I know that's no fun. I sure hope it's not contagious via the internet. LOL! Get well soon!

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